Staff in SSPs have a broad range of knowledge and expertise in the area of adapting the curriculum to suit a wide range of student learning needs.
With a greater number of students with disabilities enrolled in the regular class, former Sydney Region schools were surveyed to ascertain the areas of need in terms of professional learning and support.
- Differentiating the curriculum
- Making learning adjustments
- Modifying work so that students can access the curriculum
- Access to resources
- Sample proformas for planning and programming
Staff in SSPs perform these specialised tasks on a daily basis and are a very useful source of guidance, information and support for their mainstream colleagues.
BOSTES NSW K-10 Mathematics Syllabus
The rationale, aim, objectives, outcomes and content of the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus have been designed to accommodate teaching approaches that support the learning needs of all students. The stage statements and the continuum of learning can help teachers identify the starting point for instruction for every student, including those with special education needs.
Collaborative curriculum planning will determine the most appropriate curriculum options for students with special education needs in keeping with their learning needs, strengths, goals and interests.
Most students with special education needs will participate fully in learning experiences based on the regular syllabus outcomes and content. Students may require additional support or adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment activities.
Prompts are cues that provide levels of support for a student to participate and complete a task or activity.
Phases of Learning
Planning for learning is a cyclical process which incorporates learning outcomes along the way. Phases of Learning are strategies for teaching assessment, reporting and evaluating the effectiveness of units of work.