Rationale for Technology
Technology is a tool to enable students with special needs to engage in the mainstream curriculum in accordance with the Disabilities Standards for Education (2005) and good teaching practice.
These tools provide a practical resource for students’ to achieve learning outcomes. Technology is not to be thought of as a “time filler” but as an integral part of good classroom practice which supports inclusive and differentiated learning.
While the information we have presented here is current at time of development, technology is ever changing and developing. It is our intention that this project inspires you to meet your students’ learning needs.

Technology provides for adjustments to learning.
Ian Bean is a former teacher and ICT consultant, who has a significant amount of information and software for students with special needs. The website provides free games and teaching activities as well as teacher guides. There is an option to sign up for his regular emails and newsletters.
Spectronics is Australia’s largest supplier of special needs software and assistive technology.
Sue Larkey is an Autism Spectrum specialist. The website provides informative ‘tip sheets’ as well as retailing books and sensory toys. Sue also runs workshops.